Business Start Up
Small Business Samaritans Walks Alongside Your Start Up

idea to reality
Take your dreams, your ideas, your inventions and bring them to the market. We don’t just tell you how to do it, but walk you through all of the needed steps you have to accomplish from startup to grand opening.
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Very often, a business owner is called by God to open a business. There are also times when God will bless individuals to go forward in implementing their ideas and dreams. When this happens, knowing how to start a business does not just magically come into one’s head, and therefore it is up to organizations like SBS, to provide the needed knowledge and knowhow as to how to start a successful business.
There was a time when we thought if you provide someone with the knowledge, books, training that they could with their experience start a successful business. This thinking was incorrect. It takes more. It takes the ability to walk along side of a future business owner, carefully guiding them in the process. You see, some knowledge is useless until the need for that knowhow is apparent. It is then…that they need SBS.

Financing your business
This often requires a great business plan, banking and financing contacts and a great presentation of why banks, investors and others should give you money.
Once you decide how you are going to finance your business, then it becomes apparent what is needed to be done to obtain that financing. This is an important and difficult decision. Many banks, individuals and virtual capitalist may turn you down, but that does not mean that your dream cannot be realized.
Understanding and working through all options available is an area that most people who begin startups are in desperate need of help. Do not spend any money until your financing plan is in place.
We walk you through a step by step process that leaves you with an outstanding documented plan that works.
I once went on a long walk with my father in some rather dense woods. These were woods my father was very familiar with as he has known them since his early childhood. On the other hand, I quickly realized that I better stay close to him, because if I got lost, it would be near impossible for me to figure out how to get back. Planning is just like that. You cannot plan on our own. You need help from someone who is very familiar with the woods.